Repurposing Junk

With two teenage boys in the house, I end up with a lot of old “stuff” that just got worn out over the years. Jeans with holes and grass stains, decade-old video game consoles, skateboards, bikes, you know.
Of course, I don’t like to toss anything cool, but I often get ideas to “refresh” the use of an old thingy or doodad.
I decided I was going to reuse an old skateboard deck. So I pulled off the trucks, painted it all purdy, and attached some inexpensive frames. Ta-dahhhh, project pretty much complete, just had to get some appropriate pictures to place in it. board

I collected the family to head off to the skate park, to meet up with a photographer buddy so I wouldn’t have to fiddle with timers and settings, and just appreciate some fun time with the wife and kids!20130911_022215320_iOS

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